Tuesday, May 3, 2016


I don't know if it is just my personality. But each time that I get an assignment or responsibility and it is within my interest and capability, there is this strong urge for me to always give my best and even go beyond what is required of me to do.

This happened again lately as I mulled over an organizational structure that would put order and communications clarification in a church-based commission. I got excited about it that I was even able to draft a four-year development plan for the commission. Not only that, I was able to facilitate the drafting of a clear vision-mission, including a slogan appropriate for this commission. I even went to the extent of drafting a proposed calendar of activities where the different programs could be well scheduled to avoid conflicts. I was even able to come up with two booklets for the commission. I am even into preparing a grid of key result areas that outlines the objectives, dates, logistics, persons responsible, etc.

That's how passionate I am when the adrenaline pumps and pushes me to the limits.

Passion. Heart. Hands. Soul.

They go together. Indeed.